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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (71)

It is possible that later only death will pick him, because this coincidence will turn out that he does not contain any power.

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On the bank of a river in the Rarasati forest, Sumantri seems to have woken from a dream. Is he really a warlord? He feels that he has no experience, but suddenly finds himself is in such a noble degree. Even though he has not proven any abilities he is already considered to have extraordinary advantages, to the point he is now trusted to be the commander in chief. He cannot be proud of himself because it all seems just a coincidence. And this coincidence will only become true if later he really has a triumphant victory on the battlefield. But is it possible for him to gain this victory? It is possible that later only death will pick him, because this coincidence will turn out that he does not contain any power.

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