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Rising Together Toward the “North Star”

Health protocols were strictly enforced for runners, organizers and all parties involved in the Borobudur Marathon.

Kompas Team
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KOMPAS/Ferganata Indra Riatmoko

Runners pass a body cooling device while participating in the Bank Jateng Tilik Candi running competition at the Borobudur Temple complex, Magelang, Central Java, Sunday (11/28/2021).

MAGELANG, KOMPAS — The 2021 Borobudur Marathon Powered by Bank Jateng has fulfilled the longing for a live running event during the pandemic. Acknowledgement should be given to professional and general runners for their discipline in implementing health protocols. The race is expected to continue to grow and become a world-class sports tourism event in the future.

“As I passed the halfway point of the Bank Jateng Tilik Candi marathon, I was getting more and more excited and very happy. On top of that, the shouts of cheers made me even more enthusiastic. It was like being a real athlete for a day," said Chandra Dewi, 38, an amateur runner from Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra on Sunday (11/28/2021).
