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English2022: Establishing Political...

2022: Establishing Political Stability

Political parties must listen to the voice of the people if they do not have presidential nominees with high electability. From the political perspective, 2022 looks hopeful, but with challenges to come.

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J Kristiadi

For a democratic country, it is common that the political temperature escalates ahead of an election, which is a celebration of the people's sovereignty. The intensity of the public celebration can be felt on social media, particularly in the discourses over which presidential pair to support and the guessing game on potential running mates. It is also felt in the thousands of giant billboard campaigns for 2024 installed in various corners of the country, bearing the faces of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

This enthusiasm will certainly increase as the 2024 democratic festival draws near. So far, the “election fever” is still at a normal temperature, although it is warming. Entering 2022, the political dynamics is encouraging initial capital.

Syahnan Rangkuti