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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon (51)

Emptiness frees Sukrosono from time. Time has no power over him anymore. He feels he is beyond time. And that is when he feels that he and the universe have become one.

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Sukrosono is immersed in very deep meditation. He does not feel anything anymore, he has been meditating for some time. His emptiness makes the days meaningless. Time cannot consume him anymore. There is no more past, no more future. If there is no past or future, then there is no present. Emptiness frees him from time. Time has no power over him anymore. He feels he is beyond time. And that is when he feels that he and the universe have become one.

It is not known on which night the moon approached him to slowly open its eyes. But the moon relented for a moment, dimming its glow so that Lintang Panjer Enjing, the beautiful female star, could reveal her beauty. The sky is very close and beautiful. In the dim light, Sukrosono sees the banana tree in front of him turn a golden hue. The banana tree no longer has green leaves, but golden leaves. The golden leaves then fall off, flying apart into countless golden strands. The golden strands look like small stars scattering over Mount Taranggana Sekar.

Syahnan Rangkuti