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Disaster Survivors Held Waiting for Relocation

A year after natural disaster hit areas of Bogor, displaced villagers have been forced to return to their homes in Sinar Harapan hamlet despite it being still in the red zone, as hopes for relocation remain on hold.

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Yanto Haryanto (43), a resident of Sinar Harapan Village, Harkatjaya Village, Sukajaya, Bogor Regency, West Java, carried his son, who was 7 months old at the time of the landslide, and barely survived because he was swept away by a heavy current of water mixed with soil. Currently, a number of residents have returned to Sinar Harapan Village, which has been designated as a disaster red zone because temporary housing is considered very inappropriate.

The horror of the landslides and flash floods that hit their village in early 2020 still haunts Yanto Haryanto (43), a resident of Sinar Harapan (literally light of hope) hamlet, Harkatjaya village, Sukajaya district, Bogor Regency in West Java.

The devastating disaster almost killed his 7-month-old baby, who was swept away by the fast-flowing muddy sludge.

Syahnan Rangkuti