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Keeping the Momentum to Boost Human Development

Indonesia’s Human Development Index score continues to increase. Controlling the COVID-19 pandemic can be an opportunity to boost the index, which describes the welfare of the community, further.

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Activities at a shopping center in the BSD City independent city area, Tangerang Regency, Banten, Sunday (11/7/2021). Decline in status The implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) level 1 makes shopping centers allowed. visited with capacity up to 100 percent.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – During the onslaught of the pandemic throughout 2021, Indonesia’s Human Development Index (HDI) score continued to increase in all the dimensions measured. The slowing down of COVID-19 cases and the economic recovery both need to be maintained to trigger a leap in the welfare of Indonesians.

Statistics Indonesia (BPS), in Jakarta, Monday (15/11/2021), announced that Indonesia’s HDI score this year stands at 72.29. Thus, Indonesia’s HDI score rose by 0.49 percent from 2020, which stood at 71.94. With a score greater than 70, Indonesia now joins the “high” human development category.

Syahnan Rangkuti