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Hacking Threat is not yet Over

The websites of the government agencies are quite venerable to cyber-attacks as many institutions had failed to build security systems for their online infrastructure.

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The screenshot received by "Kompas" on Monday (10/25/2021) shows the website of the National Malware Center (Pusmanas) belonging to BSSN, https://pusmanas.bssn.go.id/, was hacked in the form of a change of the home page ("defacement"). ").

JAKARTA, KOMPAS โ€” Cyber threats against government institutions have continued with a recent attack against a website operated by the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN). The BSSN has said its ability to ward of the attack was hampered by regulatory problems and a lack of funding.

BSSN spokesman Anton Setiawan said in Jakarta on Tuesday (26/10/2021) that the agencyโ€™s internal team was investigating the cyberattack against the National Malware Center (Pusmanas) run by the agency. The agency suspected that the attack had come from hackers based in Brazil as indicated by the messages left by the hackers on the defaced home page of the Pusmanas site. "The BSSN continues to evaluate and strengthen its internal system," he said.

Syahnan Rangkuti