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The Paradox of the Economic Performance

In general, compared to April, the results of the October survey showed a decline in the satisfaction level from 69.1 percent to 66.4 percent.

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Kompas’ Research and Development (R&D) released its latest survey (Monday, 18/10/2021) on the performances of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, which also functioned as a two-year evaluation of their administration. In general, compared to April, the results of the October survey showed a decline in the satisfaction level from 69.1 percent to 66.4 percent.

The satisfaction level was lower, but it was higher compared with the satisfaction level of 65.9 percent in August 2020. Even so, there are some notes related to institutional development. The satisfaction level declined in all aspects, except the economy. Satisfaction in political and security aspects fell from 77 percent in April to 70.8 percent in October. The people’s satisfaction in social welfare decreased from 71.3 percent to 68.6 percent, while that in law enforcement fell from 65.6 percent to 60.6 percent.
