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Englishβ€ΊThe Bajang Child Swinging the ...

The Bajang Child Swinging the Moon

As time goes by, it is now known who the two creatures are who hug in the jungle of Jatirasa. They are Dewi Sokawati and the bajang demon that she had to throw away.

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When Dewi Sokawati approaches the end, it turns out that the door of heaven is still closed for her. Heaven is in sight, but her feet are not allowed to step there. The picture of her perfect shape is already there, but only from a distance is she allowed to see it. She still has to wait. Her place of residence is the realm of pangrantunan, the realm of waiting, where she must be patient, until one day she can enter the realm of kaswargan. In the tiring wait, the ruler of the gods allows her to descend to the marcapada, into this world, to meet for a moment with her son, who lives alone in the jungle of Mount Jatirasa.

As time goes by, it is now known who the two creatures are who hug in the jungle of Jatirasa. They are Dewi Sokawati and the bajang demon that she had to throw away. For nearly the whole night, accompanied by the light of the moon, Dewi Sokawati brings back stories from her past to the bajang demon. And the morning opens the brightness she finishes her story. Dewi Sokawati still completely recognizes her child. Almost nothing has changed in her son – he is still ugly as in the past. His demon face still lingers on him.
