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EnglishEconomic Liberalization Has...

Economic Liberalization Has Gone Too Far

Many people say that the Indonesian economy since 1967 has been in the hands of neoliberals. Today, all of our economic policies have nothing to do with Pancasila or the 1945 Constitution.

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Didie SW

From the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia until 1967, no concrete details had been provided on Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, which stipulates: "Goods that are important to the state and the branches of production that affect the livelihood of the people are to be controlled by the state and used for the greater prosperity of the people. ”

The details are only found in Law (UU) No. 1/1967 on Foreign Investment, which mandates that "goods that are important to the state and the branches of production that affect the livelihood of the people" may be controlled by the private sector, especially foreign private enterprises. Let's take a deeper look.

Syahnan Rangkuti