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Smelter Development Strengthens Downstream Industry

The cornerstone laying for the construction of PT Freeport Indonesia’s smelter in the Gresik Special Economic Zone, East Java, is part of the government’s programs to strengthen the country’s downstream industry.

DEFRI WERDIONO/Cyprianus Anto Saptowalyono /Agnes Theodora
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President Joko Widodo inspects the groundbreaking location for the PT Freeport Indonesia smelter construction in the Gresik Special Economic Zone (SEZ), East Java, Tuesday (12/10/2021).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS - President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo laid the first stone for the construction of PT Freeport Indonesia’s smelter in the Gresik Special Economic Zone (Gresik SEZ) in Gresik, East Java, on Tuesday (12/10/2021). The construction of the smelter will strengthen the downstream industry in the country. In addition to increasing the added value of primary commodities because they will be no longer exported in the form of raw materials, the construction of the smelter will also increase state revenues and provide jobs for 40,000 people.

“I will order any companies, either private or state-owned, which are related to mineral and coal mining to enter the downstream industry. What for? Once again, in order to increase the value of our commodities. Don't ship [export] them in the form of raw materials, don’t ship the raw materials," said the President.

Syahnan Rangkuti