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Englishโ€บThe Bajang Child Swings on the...

The Bajang Child Swings on the Moon

Begawan Swandagni is awakened by the reprimand. He bows down to pay respect, and lowers himself in front of the banana tree.

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Filled with happiness, Begawan Swandagni immediately approaches the banana tree. He is relieved to see that the tree is not as tall as he thought, and the banana is still within reach. He stretches out his hand, about to take the fruit. But unexpectedly, the tree seems to rise, and he can no longer reach it. Begawan Swandagni is confused, the banana he wants is now at a great height, high beyond his reach.

โ€œSwandagni, have you examined your heart? It is impossible for you to pick the fruit with the height of your heart. Be humble and let go of yourself to the richness of the banana tree,โ€ said Dewi Luhwati.
