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Job Creation Must Be Priority in Industrial Development

The government must also be firm with investors. There should be disincentives for investors that do not employ local workers.

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Kompas/Didit Putra Erlangga Rahardjo

Workers of PT Haier Electronic Appliances Indonesia worked on assembling mobile phones with 4G cellular networks to be marketed by the telecommunication operator Smartfren at their factory in the Cikarang area, Bekasi, some time ago.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” The government needs to ensure that investments in priority industrial sectors can provide jobs to create quality economic growth. Along with this, transformation efforts in the manufacturing sector must also be intended to promote the development of human resources and the creation of decent and quality jobs.

According to data from the Investment Ministry, the service sector (tertiary industry) still dominated investments in the first semester of 2021 with a total value of Rp 218.8 trillion (US$5.40 billion), or equivalent to 49.4 percent of Rp 442.8 trillion in total investments. Investments in the manufacturing sector reached Rp 167.1 trillion, or 37.8 percent of total investments. Meanwhile, investments in the processing industry has continued to decline since 2017, with the majority of investments coming from foreign investors.
