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Discipline Crucial in Applying Health Protocols

All standard operating procedures and the rules of limited in-person learning are clear, so schools simply need to follow them.

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First graders pray after class in a limited face-to-face learning at SD Negeri Jurang Mangu Barat 01, Pondok Aren, Tangerang. South, Banten, Tuesday (28/9/2021). Learning at the school is carried out entirely through face-to-face meetings on a rotating basis without being combined with online distance learning (PJJ) due to various limitations such as internet problems and student devices.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” Ensuring the safety of holding learning activities in person must be a shared commitment of all parties involved. All standard operating procedures and the rules of limited in-person learning are clear, so schools simply need to follow them. And if there are any cases of Covid-19, the schools will be closed temporarily.

To increase control over limited face-to-face learning (PTM), a number of steps must be taken. The Health Ministry (Kemenkes) and the Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry (Kemendikbudristek) are regularly inspecting the system to ensure that students are safe from Covid-19 transmission. Evidence-based monitoring can gauge the risk of Covid-19.

Syahnan Rangkuti