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Schools Work Hard to Hold On-Campus Learning

Hybrid learning systems require teachers to be able to teach students at school and online β€” sometimes at the same time. Schools are working on various ways to implement the strategy.

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Dozens of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) students participated in welcoming the academic community back to campus at Ganesha Campus ITB, Bandung City, West Java, Monday (27/9/2021). After about 18 months of more frequent online lectures due to the Covid-19 pandemic, face-to-face learning will be held again by prioritizing practicum, studio, and field lectures.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” The limited face-to-face learning process that has started in a number of schools is combined with distance learning at home. This hybrid model has become a new habit amid a situation that is still prone to the spread of Covid-19.

Based on observations at a number of schools across the country until Monday (27/9/2021), school policies to run limited face-to-face meetings (PTM) and online distance learning (PJJ) were adjusted to the conditions of each school. There are schools where all students study on campus, so teachers can focus on interacting with students in class, even if they take turns. However, there are also schools that run limited PTM and PJJ simultaneously.

Syahnan Rangkuti