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Indonesia’s Sovereign Rights in EEZ Challenged

In an EEZ, the coastal country has sovereign rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources. Foreign ships may still pass through the EEZ, as part of the right of peaceful passage.

Kompas Team
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Two Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) vessels patrol the Lampa Strait on Wednesday (15/1/2020) in the waters of Natuna regency, Riau Islands province. Bakamla, along with the Indonesian Military and the National Police, are patrolling Indonesian territorial waters and the North Natuna Sea exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for foreign fishing vessels.

Indonesia needs to seek an explanation from China regarding the presence of a destroyer and five other ships belonging to China in its Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Natuna Sea. Patrols should be increased to safeguard Indonesia\'s sovereign rights.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The presence of the Chinese destroyer, Kunming-172 in Indonesia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the North Natuna Sea on Monday (13/9/2021), can be considered as a threat to Indonesia\'s sovereign rights, as the activities of the warship appear intimidating. In addition, the presence of the ship has also frightened Natuna fishermen. Therefore, the Indonesian government needs to ask for an explanation from China in addition to increasing patrols in the North Natuna Sea.
