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Changing the Curriculum Again

What has been changed from the 2013 Curriculum in the PSP Curriculum? It seems it has been changed not on a paradigmatic level, but more on a technical level.

By Ki Darmaningtyas
Β· 1 menit baca

The adage "change the minister, change the curriculum" is really happening in this country. The Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry has secretly formulated a new curriculum that will be gradually implemented starting from the 2021/2022 academic year in 2,500 school movers (SP). Thus, we can call it the school mover curriculum.

It is expected that every year the number of SPs will continue to increase so that more schools will implement the School Mover Program (PSP). The change is based on the simplification of the existing curriculum so that it will be more flexible and in line with the spirit of an independent learning concept because it provides schools and teachers with autonomy, and it is also easy to implement.
