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EnglishRestriction Level Lowered,...

Restriction Level Lowered, Residents Asked to Stay Alert

The situation outside Java and Bali has also been improving. The number of provinces under level 4 restrictions has dropped from seven to four.

Kompas Team
· 1 menit baca

People cross the multi-use pedestrian bridge at Tanah Abang Market in Central Jakarta on Sunday (7/2/2021). The Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Java and Bali have been extended twice and will end on Monday (8/2/2021). The social restrictions have been implemented for a month, but they have not been effective in reducing the number of new Covid-19 cases. The government will implement the PPKM on a micro scale such as in neighborhood units (RT) and community units (RW) in addition to imposing stricter controls on health protocols and contact tracing.

The COVID-19 situation has improved in a number of regions, but residents have been instructed to stay alert and continue adhering to strict health protocols.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS —President Joko “ Jokowi” Widodo announced on Monday the extension multi-tiered public activity restrictions (PPKM) for another week. Although the COVID-19 alert level in a number of regions has been lowered, residents have been told to stay alert.
