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Digitization in Marketing Supports MSMEs

The digitization of MSMEs would have a positive impact not only on local communities, but also on the image of domestic brands.

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Rony, a gado-gado and ketoprak seller, shows his shop on the ShopeeFood application in the Tanjung Duren area, West Jakarta, Friday (13/8/2021). The use of ordering applications is not only to fulfill health protocols but is expected to add new customers.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” The digitization of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is believed to provide multiple benefits for businesses and their surrounding communities. Up to 77 percent of MSME survey respondents employ residents of their surrounding communities. One MSME can offer as many as five jobs.

Besides understanding the technical aspects of using digital platforms, MSMEs also need support in terms of facilitating digital literacy and entrepreneurship. This was the gist of a virtual discussion held on Thursday (26/8/2021) in Jakarta on the results of a study on "Digitization of MSMEs as Key to Indonesia\'s Inclusive Economic Growth 2021", which was conducted by Blibli.com, Kompas daily, and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The discussion was attended by State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir, who also delivered the keynote speech.

Syahnan Rangkuti