Piecing Akidy’s Traces Together
In 1976, Akidy and most of his children moved to Palembang, leaving Ahok in Langsa with his lemonade factory. The home industry measured 6 meters by 30 meters.
South Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inspector General Eko Indra Heri received assistance for handling Covid-19 worth Rp 2 billion in goods from the United Palembang Chinese Community, Friday (6/8/2021), at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters, Palembang City. Oxygen supply is one form of assistance.
The late Akidy was known as being engaged in various kinds of business. However, an examination by the Financial Transactions Reporting and Analysis Center (PPATK) of his family accounts has concluded that the family’s total funds are far from Rp 2 trillion.
PALEMBANG, KOMPAS — Over the last week, Kompas has explored the traces of Akidy in Langsa, Aceh and Palembang, South Sumatra. From his gravestone in Talang Kerikil Public Cemetery, Palembang, it is known that Akidy was born on 13 May 1920. His ancestors came from Haifeng, Guangdong Province, China.
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