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Current Ecosystem Has Yet to Support Improvement in Research

As a consequence, some researchers opt to work abroad, while those who remaining in Indonesia stumble over difficulties producing world-class research.

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A laboratory technician and research assistant are conducting bacterial filtration (BFE) testing on medical masks in a Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) box equipped with a HEPA filter at the Microbiology and Bioprocess Technology Laboratory at the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), on Wednesday. (31/3/2021).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS โ€” Research and innovation play a crucial role in advancing the nation and, thus, they ought to be the foundation of development efforts. However, data released by global institutions state that Indonesia is lagging behind in building a knowledge and innovation ecosystem.

Although Indonesia has numerous well-qualified researchers, this has yet to be bolstered by a supporting ecosystem, as evident in the countryโ€™s rigid budgeting system, among other factors. As a consequence, some researchers opt to work abroad, while those who remaining in Indonesia stumble over difficulties producing world-class research.
