Building Hope
Political actions are indeed shaped by various actors and interests. However, it still requires the capacity of leaders to choose the right path. Straighten your intention, hoping that God will show you the straight path
“Hope is the thing with feathers; That perches in the soul; And sings the tune without the words; And never stops - at all.” So wrote Emily Dickinson. That hope sings the song of life in two kinds of notes. The major tones evoke “positive hopes,” which stimulate people\'s desire to do good. Minor tones evoke “negative hopes,” which stimulate people\'s pain of conviction to avoid evil.
This positive hope echoes from altruist souls, such as the “ants” of communities who work together to relieve the suffering of others along the major tune of sepi ing pamrih, rame ing gawe (less talk, much work). Like a philanthropist (real, not a hoax) who lives a simple life without being crazy about wealth and worship. His business abilities and accumulation of wealth are translated as a means and mandate to serve, to foster hope for those who are less able and less fortunate.