Solve Health Collapse
The increase in Covid-19 infection has made hospitals, not only in Jakarta but also in other cities, unable to accommodate the flood of new patients. Supplies of oxygen and drugs are running low.
These days we keep hearing news about people we know, including close relatives, falling sick with or dying from Covid-19. Confirmed cases continue to increase in number.
Health workers and hospitals are overwhelmed. Data from the official Covid-19 website ( show 4,824 new cases of Covid-19 on 1 June. A month later on 1 July, the daily tally was 24,836 cases. On 8 July, it skyrocketed to 38,391 cases. The daily Covid-19 death toll also continues to rise. On 8 July, there were 852 deaths. It is estimated that the actual number of infections and fatalities is higher, but have not been detected.