A Bit of Cow Breeding in Jakarta
When the family dairy business run for generations finally fell into his hands, Rifqi Maulana was determined to develop the dairy cow breeding further amid the capital’s towering buildings.
Cows have long been part of the life of Rifqi Maulana, 33. Since childhood, their moos have been all too familiar to him. When the family dairy business run for generations finally fell into his hands, he was determined to develop the dairy cow breeding further amid the capital’s towering buildings.
The terrace of the house on Jl. Mampang Prapatan XV No. 2 appeared to be busy on June 16. Two workers were sieving milk that had just been drawn off. With agility, they were packaging the milk into plastic containers of 1 or 2 liters. With buyers coming and going during the filling process, the milk cartons were sold out within an hour.