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EnglishBecoming Friends in the Era of...

Becoming Friends in the Era of Disinformation

Now, Kompas daily has entered an era of information technology revolution. An era that allows anyone to produce information, publish it, and disseminate it massively on digital platforms.

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Kompas Daily Leader Jakob Oetama when he received the Mahaputera Utama award from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 1973 became the cover of Wijayanto\'s dissertation book entitled "Between Fear and Power: Kompas, Indonesia\'s Most Influential Daily Newspaper 1965-2015"

Birthdays are always commemorated. A life begins, from nothing to being. Self-reflection also finds its momentum. Reflecting on how far a journey has come, being consistent in maintaining direction, making corrections in case of deviation from the intended direction, or having to turn around if you find yourself going the wrong way.

Kompas Daily on 28 June 2021 also has a birthday. It started with the ringing of a telephone call from Lt. Gen. Ahmad Yani, who was then Commander-in-Chief Minister of the Army, to Frans Seda, the Minister of Plantations in the Dwikora I Cabinet who was also the chairman of the Catholic Party. Yani proposed to Seda the idea of creating a newspaper to balance the information that was already heavily politicized at that time.
