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Addition of Medical Treatment Capacity Urgently Needed

A spike in COVID-19 cases post-Lebaran has emerged. The bed occupancy ratio at referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients in a number of areas has increased. Medical treatment capacity must be improved.

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Kompas/Bahana Patria Gupta

A number of motorcycle riders from Madura Island turned back because they avoided the rapid antigen test at the exit of the Suramadu Bridge, Surabaya, East Java, Monday (7/6/2021). Blocking and checking for motorists from Madura Island to Surabaya has been intensified again due to the increasing number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Bangkalan Regency.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS โ€”Rising Covid-19 cases following Lebaran is expected until early July 2021. The increase has resulted in higher bed occupancy ratios, with some areas reaching full capacity. Therefore, the capacity to treat Covid-19 patients must be improved.

For some clusters with a high increase in cases, such as Kudus regency in Central Java and Bangkalan, East Java, the Health Ministry is trying to reduce the pressing burden on hospitals. Patients with severe and moderate illness are referred to hospitals in the nearest regency or city. In addition to intensifying testing and tracking, the government has also increased the supply of Covid-19 vaccines to the area.

Syahnan Rangkuti