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Weapons System Modernization needs Consistency

The defense budget is still not ideal, not only in terms of value but also in expenditure for defense equipment modernization. Amid these limitations, consistency in policy, budgeting and budget utilization is needed.

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JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The modernization and strengthening of the primary weapons system (Alutsista) is a necessity in efforts to meet the country’s minimum basic strength. In the midst of the government’s limited budget for the modernization of the defense equipment, consistency in policy and budget allocation and use is needed.

The sinking of the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine off the coast of Bali at the end of April 2021 has again triggered public debate on the modernization of the country’s defense equipment. In a survey conducted by Kompas from May 17 to 19 involving 511 respondents in 34 provinces, 92.8 percent of respondents stated that in order to maintain Indonesia\'s territorial sovereignty, the government needed to periodically add state-of-the-art defense equipment.

Syahnan Rangkuti