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Englishβ€ΊThe Blessings of Bengawan...

The Blessings of Bengawan Brantas that Is Increasingly Eroded

With a length of 320 kilometers and 39 tributaries, the Brantas River has become the lifeblood of the area. Its flowing water fills dams and is also used for agricultural irrigation, raw water and electricity generation

Runik Sri Astuti and Defri Werdiono
Β· 1 menit baca

Two residents look for fish at the Gerak Waru Turi Dam in Gampengrejo District, Kediri Regency, East Java, Sunday (12/15/2019). This 159 meter long dam is used as water control for the Brantas River for irrigation purposes.

Bengawan (River) Brantas, which flows from the foot of Mount Arjuna in Malang, East Java, moves various aspects of life in 15 regions in East Java. Ironically, the blessing is being eroded by various problems.

Assisted by his wife, Didik, 55, tightly pulled a rope that crossed the Brantas River on Friday (21/5/2021). The resident of Temas village, Batu city, East Java, used a simple pulley to lift sand from the riverbed onto the riverbank. He used a plastic paint bucket as a container for the sand.

Syahnan Rangkuti