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The Divergence of Economic Recovery

The pandemic has brought a severe impact, both in terms of unemployment and poverty. Meanwhile, the divergence in economic recovery will create different job opportunities.

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A Prasetyantoko

Apart from cultural-religious moments, Idul Fitri is also an economic phenomenon. Idul Fitri has always been used as an opportunity to distribute wealth from urban to rural areas on a fairly large scale. Unfortunately, for the last two years this phenomenon has faded along with the implementation of social restrictions to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. The problem is that there are no other policy options to limit peopleโ€™s mobility because if the social restrictions are not implemented, the impact will be much greater.

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the old order upside down and opened up new opportunities that had been unthinkable. So, the post-pandemic economic reality requires new breakthroughs. Moreover, even though economic recovery has begun, sectoral divergences are also increasing. As a result, economic inequality will become a serious problem during the post-epidemic era.

Syahnan Rangkuti