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EnglishDestruction of Achievement

Destruction of Achievement

Whatever the reason, democracy celebrated with blind corruption and nepotism is a misguided path to the state manqué, a country that has never found the right political form and is caught up in repeating the same mistake

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Yudi Latif

We arrive at a heartbreaking moment in history: Destroying again what has been painstakingly fought for. How quickly we recycle past mistakes. We fought for reform with a big mission to eradicate corruption, collusion and nepotism or KKN. Now, we have the heart to paralyze the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through various modes and we’ve revived the the patrimonial state, with the tendency of intense collusion and nepotism, to the emergence of political arrogance that places the state in the hands of individuals who control and rule at will.

To whom do the people believe when politics ceases to be an advertisement. Promises were made but realization stalled. Leaders come with noble intentions but end up disappointing; they start driving by turning on the turn signal to the left, but at the intersection turning right. Rulers have taken turns, but the politics of this country has only one plan: treasonous plan. Any way is carried out as long as it can seize and maintain power. The political elite never want to learn. They may lie at times for a portion of the people, but not all the time for everyone. There will always be a backflow of the tide because not everyone wants to associate with evil.

Syahnan Rangkuti