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EnglishPrayers Echoing for the Crew

Prayers Echoing for the Crew

Along with prayers from the families and the wider community as well as search efforts by various parties, all hope that KRI Nanggala crew members are found safe.

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Yayak Dwi Ernawati (46) holding a photo of Second Sergeant (Serda) Ede Pandu Yudha Kusuma (her son-in-law) and his wife Mega. Serda Pandu together with 52 Indonesian Navy soldiers are currently in the depths of the Bali Sea with KRI Nanggala-402, which has been missing since Wednesday (21/4/2021).

Worries and anxiety are combined with hope and confidence in the safety of the crew of the missing KRI Nanggala-402 submarine. In an atmosphere of uncertainty there are resounding prayers from families and friends. They continue to hope that the crew is found safe.

Since KRI Nanggala lost contact on Wednesday (21/4/2021), a number of relatives and families gathered at the residence of Yayak Dwi Ernawati, 46, in Banyuwangi, East Java. Yayak is none other than the mother of Mega Dian Pratiwi, the wife of Petty Officer 1st Class Ede Pandu Yudha Kusuma. Pandu is one of 53 Indonesian Navy soldiers who are at KRI Nanggala. The presence of relatives aimed to provide moral support to Mega and to pray for the safety of the crew.

Syahnan Rangkuti