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Long Lines and Staying Overnight for Rp 1.2 Million Cash Aid

The distribution of the aid still needs to be improved so that those eligible receive the assistance easier.

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Residents queue to take the disbursement form before opening the counter for direct cash transfers for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) at the Pajajaran Sports Hall complex, Bogor City, West Java, Wednesday (21/4/2021).

It was 2.30 in the early morning and Ema (64), a resident of Situ Gede, Bubulak, West Bogor, Bogor City, would have to wait seven and a half more hours for the line to start forming for the disbursement of the second batch of the government’s direct cash assistance worth Rp 1.2 million (about US$85).

The rain had just stopped earlier in the morning that Thursday (22/4/2021). Wrapped in a jacket, Ema lied on the terrace of the Pajajaran Sports Hall, Bogor City, West Java. She was just about to fall asleep when a security guard approached her asking for documents needed to get the government’s cash aid or BLT. The aid was part of the financial assistance provided by the Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Ministry to small businesses.

Syahnan Rangkuti