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EnglishEnsuring Students’ Safety

Ensuring Students’ Safety

In Jakarta, only 20-30 percent of students are participating in the limited face-to-face learning trial.

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Learning activities in the classroom at Cideng 07 State Elementary School (SDN), Central Jakarta, Wednesday (7/4/2021). Until April 29, 2021, as many as 85 schools of various levels in DKI Jakarta have conducted face-to-face learning trials. The number of students allowed to attend is only 50 percent of class capacity, while some other students attend lessons online.

Trials for face-to-face learning are being conducted to ensure safety during the pandemic.

Local administrations have issued a limited number of face-to-face learning permits for schools that meet the requirements stipulated in a joint ministerial decree (SKB) signed by the Education and Culture Minister, the Religious Affairs Minister, the Home Minister and Health Minister. However, it is still the prerogative of parents to determine whether their child will participate in this restricted face-to-face learning. In Jakarta, only 20-30 percent of students are participating in the limited face-to-face learning trial.

Syahnan Rangkuti