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The book contains 111 poems written by 45 poets from 27 countries and published in London, England, in 2014. I was happy to find the poem of Toeti Heraty, the only Indonesian poet in the anthology.

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A woman wears a laurel of olive branches on her head as she marches with a flag bearing the portrait of Kurdistan Worker\'s Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan, ahead of a procession of Syrian Kurds, Arabs, and Syriacs bussed in from across northern Syria, in the Kurdish town of Jandairis near the Syrian-Turkish border, and 18 kilometres southwest of Afrin, on February 6, 2018.Demonstrators marched to the sound of traditional music, holding olive branches and portraits of Kurdish fighters killed since the start of Turkey\'s "Olive Branch" military operation, launched on January 20 against the Kurdish People\'s Protection Units (YPG), which Turkey has blacklisted as "terrorists".

The Kurds have become a species of bird. They traverse the tearing of the yellowing pages of history, wandering about. Kajal Ahmad, the Kurdish woman poet, presupposes this in her poem, Birds. She emphasizes in another stanza: Ya, orang Kurdi adalah burung!/dan bahkan ketika/tiada tempat tersisa/tiada perlindungan bagi rasa sakitnya/mereka berpaling kepada ilusi bepergian/antara iklim hangat dan dingin Tanah Air (Yes, Kurds are birds! / and even when / there’s nowhere left / no refuge for their pain / they turn to the illusion of travelling / between the warm and the cold climes of their homeland).

Kajal was born in Kirkuk, a city in Kurdistan, a country of her dreams, which is still in dispute with Iraq. Now she lives in Jordan, a foreign land.


Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 1 dengan judul "Tanah Air".

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