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Rising and Shining Amid Limitations

Some migrant workers\' children grow up without parental care. However, in difficult situations, they rise and excel.

Fransiskus Wisnu Wardhana Dany/Ismail Zakaria/Sonya Hellen Sinombor
Β· 1 menit baca

Indonesian rock climbing athlete, Aries Susanti Rahayu, broke the world record for women\'s speed with a time of 6.995 seconds in the final of the World Cup series in Xiamen, China, October 19, 2019. Aries is the daughter of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from Grobogan, Central Java.

Aries Susanti Rahayu (25), the daughter of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from Grobogan, Central Java, has managed to get through difficult times without the presence of her mother Maryati, who was working in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. When her mother left, Aries\'s father also worked in Surabaya, East Java, so that practically every day she only lived with her two older siblings.

However, Aries, who was left by her mother at the age of three, was able to excel in sports. She became a rock-climbing athlete who made Indonesia proud with achievements in competitions at home and abroad.

Syahnan Rangkuti