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English“Gambang Semarang”,...

“Gambang Semarang”, Acculturation of Two Nations

There are a number of initiatives to promote Gambang Semarang as a cultural identity of Semarang City.

Aditya Putra Perdana
· 1 menit baca

A set of Gambang Semarang musical instruments at the Ronggowarsito Museum, Semarang City, Central Java, Thursday (11/2/2021). Gambang Semarang is one of the cultural identities of the city of Semarang.

There are a number of initiatives to promote Gambang Semarang as a cultural identity of Semarang City. The xylophone-like instrument has become a bowl of Chinese and Indonesian acculturation on the northern coast of Java.

A set of bronze gamelan welcomes visitors on the south side of the Building D of the Ronggowarsito Museum in Semarang, Central Java. On the gong frame is written "Sentra Gambang Semarang" (Gambang Semarang Center). The shiny gamelan is placed on a wooden frame, in striking red. It has become a witness in the struggle for the preservation of the Semarang xylophone art.

Syahnan Rangkuti