The Reliable “Chef” of Refugee Camps
Masnah Jafar, 51, has been the chief cook in the kitchen of evacuee camps during periods of natural calamity.
Masnah Jafar, 51, has been the chief cook in the kitchen of evacuee camps during periods of natural calamity. From the disaster in Balikpapan, the tremor and tsunami in Palu, to the earthquake in Mamuju, her cooking was available to feed thousands of evacuees.
Holding a knife and wearing an apron over her clothes, Masnah was slicing lamb on an earthen jar. She checked the muscle texture first before cutting. A blue tent served as the roof providing protection from the morning sun that began to blaze at the command post of Muhammadiyah in Rimuku, Mamuju, West Sulawesi, on Saturday (30/1/2021).