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EnglishStreet Children "Recycling"

Street Children "Recycling"

Dindin Komarudin was moved to help develop the children’s creativity and improve their standard of living by "repurposing" the hidden potential of street children through Kumala Foundation.

Elsa Emiria Leba
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Dindin Komarudin

Dindin Komarudin, 48, knows that street children have potential. Nicknamed Abah (“Daddy”) Dindin, he was moved to help develop the children’s creativity and improve their standard of living by "repurposing" the hidden potential of street children through Kumala Foundation.

Abah Dindin\'s reason for helping street children is personal. His story began in 2000, when he left Bandung and came to Jakarta in search of a job. He stopped at a shelter for street children in the Pondok Kopi and Pademangan areas. There, he was impressed by the kindness of street children, who shared their food with him when he ran out of money.

Syahnan Rangkuti