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Biden Brings US into New Era

The inauguration of United States President-elect Joe Biden marks a new era for not only the country, but also the world.

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A Biden-Harris banner hangs in front of the White House January 19, 2021 in Washington, DC, ahead of the 59th inaugural ceremony for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

The inauguration of United States President-elect Joe Biden marks a new era for not only the country, but also the world.

WASHINGTON, TUESDAY โ€” Despite being overshadowed by security concerns, the inauguration of United States President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on Wednesday (20/1/2021) at noon (the morning of Thursday, 21 Jan., in Indonesia) will herald the superpower\'s new course over the next four years. The transition of power from Donald Trump-Mike Pence to Biden-Harris, which has not been smooth and has been full of turmoil and even casualties from the storming of Capitol Hill, also marks a milestone in the increasingly sharp political divide among the American public.


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