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The President\'s Choice for Polri Chief

National Police chief Gen. (Pol.) Idham Azis will retire at the end of this month. However, who will be appointed to succeed him is as yet unknown.

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The candidate for the chief of National Police, Comr. Gen. Idham Aziz, pays his respects to members of the House of Representatives shortly before being screened by members of Commission III at the Senayan legislative complex, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/10/2019). Idham was appointed as the sole candidate for the National Police chief by President Joko Widodo to replace Tito Karnavian. Tito resigned from the National Police after being appointed by President Jokowi as the home minister.

National Police chief Gen. (Pol.) Idham Azis will retire at the end of this month. However, who will be appointed to succeed him is as yet unknown.

The choice of the next chief of the National Police (Polri) is thought to be a political matter. The candidates for the country’s top police officer seem to have their own campaign teams. This can be seen from the large amount of "news" circulating in cyberspace that appear to be favoring certain candidates while exposing the weaknesses of others. One poster even said that the 2021 pick of the National Police chief was like a regional election. Speculation is rife.

Syahnan Rangkuti