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Being grateful for kindness

Christmas, which for Christians is a joyous time when the Savior was born into the world, makes way for hope amid this pandemic.

Kompas Editor
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Worshipers attend Mass at Santo Servatius Catholic Church in Kampung Sawah, Pondok Melati District, Bekasi City, West Java, Friday (25/12/2020). Mass was held twice, namely at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The number of worshipers was limited to 200 out of 900 seats available. The church also broadcast the Mass online. The Betawi tradition is the hallmark of the Kampung Sawah Church, where people often wear traditional Betawi clothes, such as the koko shirts, caps and sarongs for men and the kebaya encim combined with batik cloth for women. The existence of Kampung Sawah Catholics began with the arrival of Pastor Bernardus Schweitz SJ on Oct. 6, 1896.

Christmas, which for Christians is a joyous time when the Savior was born into the world, makes way for hope amid this pandemic.

Togetherness, especially in Indonesia, will overcome the pandemic. Vaccines have been made and received in a number of countries. Although vaccinations are not believed to be the end of the pandemic.
