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Safeguarding Initial Global Steps in Pandemic Recovery

If 2020 were likened to a dystopian film, wrote Time magazine, which called 2020 the worst year ever, people might want to stop watching after 20 minutes.

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Ethiopian refugees who fled the Ethiopia\'s Tigray conflict wait in a line for a food distribution by Muslim Aid at the Um Raquba refugee camp in Sudan\'s eastern Gedaref state on December 12, 2020.

When the next two weeks pass, 2020 will be a year that the world\'s citizens do not want to remember. If 2020 were likened to a dystopian film, wrote Time magazine, which called 2020 the worst year ever, people might want to stop watching after 20 minutes.

Conflicts, rivalries among major powers, battles, struggles of political elites in a number of countries, refugee crises and natural disasters have affected the world from year to year. The year 2020 is no exception. The US-China rivalry continues to heat up, the field of armed conflicts is expanding, refugees have reached a record of more than 80 million people, according to UNHCR data. Natural disasters, from typhoons to fires, have brought incalculable losses.

Syahnan Rangkuti