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Uplifting Recovery for Next Year

The government is preparing for the meeting, incentive, convention and exhibition (MICE) industry to recover quickly.

B.M. Lukita Grahadyarini/Dewi Indriastuti
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Ships dock in the Nusa Dua Beach area, Bali, Sunday (30/11/2018). Nusa Dua is one of the areas in Bali where there are many lodging places and meeting rooms to support the holding of MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” The government is preparing for the meeting, incentive, convention and exhibition (MICE) industry to recover quickly. The strategy, among others, is through the implementation of cleanliness, health, safety and environmental sustainability protocols.The step to leverage the revival of the MICE industry next year involves the government and industry players.

Undersecretary for Tourism Products and Events of the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry Rizki Handayani Mustafa said the MICE industry was hit the hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic. This condition has an impact on many sectors, including business in buildings, hotels, transportation, exhibition organizers, and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Syahnan Rangkuti