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EnglishPreserve Export Quality

Preserve Export Quality

Indonesia must pay attention to the quality of its exported goods so that export destination countries do not reject its products and, thus, the market’s sustainability can be preserved.

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Ship crew members unload cakalang fish from the KM. Sinar Arindo 66 ship at the Nizam Zachman Ocean Fisheries Port, North Jakarta, Friday (19/1/2019). The government has vowed to help encourage fishermen to switch from using seine nets to using environmentally friendly catching tool as part of an effort to ensure the sustainability of marine resources for fishermen in the future.

Indonesia must pay attention to the quality of its exported goods so that export destination countries do not reject its products and, thus, the market’s sustainability can be preserved.

In its Thursday’s (3/12/2020) edition, Kompas daily reported how fishery exports from Indonesia were at risk of being temporarily suspended by Chinese authorities. The reason behind the suspension is the discovery of traces of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by Chinese customs (GACC) on Indonesia’s fishery products and their packaging delivered on Dec. 2, 2020.
