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Dance as Knowledge

In the beginning there were two basic elements in the universe: Purusa and Prakrti, which both danced in cosmic rhythm.

By Saras Dewi
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A legong condong dance is performanced during the Tourism Cultural Gallery event at Melia Bali Hotel, Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali, from Saturday, Sept. 1 to Sunday, Sept 2, 2018. Organized by the Indonesian Diaspora Network United, the event was aimed at promoting and raising funds to help the restoration of Puri Anyar Kerambitan, a palace complex in Tabanan, Bali, which is a cultural heritage site and tourist attraction.

In the beginning there were two basic elements in the universe: Purusa and Prakrti, which both danced in cosmic rhythm. The dance of the two primordial substances created the universe and all its contents, including humans. This is the belief of the followers of the ancient Samkhya school of philosophy.

Planets, the sun and the galaxy were born from the contact of Purusa and Prakrti. The two elements are original substances, namely the spiritual and material elements that create life. In this case, dance according to the viewpoint of Eastern philosophy is a movement that initiated this cosmos, even supporting the occurrence of harmony.
