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Choosing a Route, Arranging a Strategy

Runners at the 2020 Borobudur Marathon will have different challenges. They are free to choose their own route in their place of origin.

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Participants in the Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2017 run on an incline of the Sigug Bridge in Bumiharjo Village, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Sunday (19/11/2017).

Runners at the 2020 Borobudur Marathon will have different challenges. There will be no more "Love Ramps" at the Kilometer 17 and 35 points that can make you gasp for breath. They are free to choose their own route in their place of origin.

Almost all participants of the Borobudur Marathon in the previous years had fond memories when they passed the Kilometer 17 (for the half marathon category) and Kilometer 35 (for the marathon category) points. They had to go through the trekking road that felt like it would never end. Not a few participants had to walk or run slowly. There were also those with cramped leg muscles. The route was later nicknamed the Ramp of Love. In addition to elevation, participants also had to deal with hot air. The temperature in Magelang, Central Java reached 32 degrees Celsius during the 2019 Borobudur Marathon, with humidity above 70 percent.

Syahnan Rangkuti