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Anticipating the Impact of Development on Komodo

The Komodo National Park project on Rinca Island, East Nusa Tenggara, part of the strategic national tourist destinations program, must pay attention to various aspects, including environmental preservation.

Cyprianus Anto Saptowalyono/Pradipta Pandu Mustika
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Kompas/Agus Susanto

Komodo dragons on Rinca Island

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The Komodo National Park project on Rinca Island, East Nusa Tenggara, part of the strategic national tourist destinations program, must pay attention to various aspects, including environmental preservation. This is important because the island is part of a biosphere reserve that is an important habitat for Komodo dragons.

The Public Works and Housing Ministry is developing Rinca Island, including redesigning Loh Buaya Port. The project is part of the development of the Labuan Bajo National Strategic Tourism Area (KSPN),

Syahnan Rangkuti