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Overcoming Bureaucratic Inaction

Public policy is about legitimacy, not about right or wrong. However, in democracy, legitimacy is built from a consensus of various interests that can negate each other.

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A Prasetyantoko

Public policy is about legitimacy, not about right or wrong. However, in democracy, legitimacy is built from a consensus of various interests that can negate each other. That is the main dilemma of policy-making in the democratic era. The speed with which the bureaucracy should respond to the changing situation is crucial in order to get out of this complex dilemma.

Such is the situation that has led to the intense controversy over the omnibus bill on job creation (job creation bill), which was passed by the House of Representatives (DPR) on 5 Oct. 2020. Two things are the focus of the public debate: the drafting process of the bill and its substance. From the process side, the criticism has been focused on the dynamic of its deliberation that is considered closed (secretive) and too quick for such a broad and complex regulatory framework. In terms of substance, there are a number of issues being debated, such as those related to reduced protection of workers and the environment and the return of public policy authority to the central government (recentralization).
