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Reorientation of the Power Building

Facing increasingly complex threats to the existence and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, the power development policies of the TNI (Indonesian Military) need to be reoriented.

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Kompas/Wawan H Prabowo

A military member stands guard as President Joko Widodo inspects the readiness of KRI Usman Harun (359) warship at the Port of Lampa Strait in Natuna regency, Riau Islands, Wednesday (8/1/2020). In front of KRI Usman Harun, the President said that his visit was to ensure law enforcement of the country’s sovereign rights over the wealth of marine resources in Indonesia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Facing increasingly complex threats to the existence and sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, the power development policies of the TNI (Indonesian Military) need to be reoriented. It is no longer just fulfilling the minimum basic needs of the TNI, but also seeing the threats being faced. The politics of the defense budget should also support it.

The increasing complexity of threats faced by Indonesia was disclosed by TNI Commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto in an interview with Kompas last weekend. He gave an example, when Indonesia faced the Covid-19 pandemic, the escalation of tensions occurred in the South China Sea due to China\'s claims to the region, including the North Natuna Sea.

Syahnan Rangkuti