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Burhanuddin and Hatta Ali Named in Defendant’s Proposal

The names Burhanuddin and Hatta Ali were mentioned in an action plan proposed by prosecutor Pinangki to help graft convict Joko Tjandra evade justice. The possible connection between the two in the case has been denied.

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Prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari stands trial on Wednesday (23/9/2020) at the Jakarta Corruption Court in Central Jakarta. Chief justice I.G. Eko Purwanto presided over the trial of of Pinangki, who has been charged with bribery and money laundering in drafting an action plan for a Supreme Court legal opinion to aid Bank Bali graft convict Joko Soegiarto Tjandra escape justice. The Attorney General’s Office alleged that Pinangki received US$500.000 (Rp 7 billion) in bribes from Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. Earlier, Pinangki Sirna Malasari was named a suspect in a related case for allegedly accepting bribes from Joko Soegiarto Tjandra.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS -- The names Burhanuddin and Hatta Ali, who were high-ranking officials at the Attorney General\'s Office and the Supreme Court, respectively, are mentioned in the action plan proposed by prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari to Joko S Tjandra, a convict in the transfer of claim rights or cessie in the Bank Bali graft case. The action plan to help Joko evade justice was agreed to cost US$10 million.

The points in the action plan that Pinangki allegedly offered to Joko were revealed in the indictment against her which was read out by a team of state prosecutors in turn at the Corruption Court in Jakarta, on Wednesday (23/9/2020). The trial was chaired by chief justice IG Eko Purwanto.

Syahnan Rangkuti